First of all, let me tell you, never be afraid to fail or be seen like I was. Born and raised in the Motor City living in the 313 area code I grew up loving art from day 1. From graffiti to masterpieces hang in the DIA I found something to admire in them all. My first love is comic book art, character art to be specific, that started with my first comic book. Stan Lee and the artists at Marvel really blew my mind with their handling of characters, from their back stories to the way descriptions of their various powers and abilities was detailed. By high school I was creating my own characters, complete with back stories and detailed descriptions of their powers and abilities, something I continued till today. I took a few standard art classes in high school and planned to continue my art education in college. Unfortunately, life got in the way, (making a lot of money is what got in the way), and I spent the next twenty years working construction, (my first little company; K & K Construction), all the while continuing to draw, teaching myself through endless drawing books, until I was disabled. After that it was crunch time, medical bills, definitely no money for college. Fortunately, a few years back my nephew, Pook Duke, gave me a computer, an IBM 8083, I think, it wasn't working, and it took a lot of reading through tech manuals to breath life into it, but, I had a computer. Countless tech manuals and trips to the flea market later, over the years, I'd built many powerful machines. My attention then turned to digital art programs. I tried every program that had a free trial, was free, or inexpensive, couldn't afford the big names. I chose Corel's Paintshop Pro, it was the one best for me because of the way it handled lines, perfect for making characters for me. You already know what happened after that.
--Void Entertainment Art began life from Void Entertainment, LLC, a custom t-shirt company, using my artwork, I started in 2002 as an entrepreneur ....yea. I sucked. But you can still see the vintage store by clicking the link or the company name above, (if you haven't already). The old online store is still in business (as you can see if you clicked on the links) and those vintage t-shirts are still for sale so feel free purchase one if you're feeling charitable:D
If you ask me, did you make money? I'd say I made a moderate income for myself, and by moderate I meant --I didn't make shit. Oh, I sold a few t-shirts on the street, to friends, family, but none online, I barely made my money back, I lost money most of the time to be honest. I failed to really put myself out there, something key to selling; right, to put my art out there, something I just couldn't do that seems to run in my family. You can read more about that here.
Long story, short --Welcome to Void Entertainment Art--, "Filling the Void in Our Soul", catchy huh, which I created basically to do now what I couldn't do then, show my work, step out there and take a chance, stand behind my work and damn the fear of criticism. Once that step is made I can revisit the t-shirt biz. Nope, I haven't given up on the t-shirt game which you can see by clicking here, the future of Void Entertainment, LLC on Facebook along with my profile. Though that's a big step... a huge step for me, I'll get there. Now, before you go lookin just remember, I said I wanted to show people my artwork, I didn't say it was good artwork, it is. But it's mine and I'm just getting started. I've got a lot more to post.
I'm going to show the artworks that I sat on out of fear, that might have made great t-shirts or other things, letting go of the apprehensions that's held me back, my family back, all my life. I'm also an amateur photographer, which makes up most of what I call my artwork.
So I guess you could say I've created Void Entertainment Art on this free personal website as a catharsis... my catharsis derived from an epiphany, to end a lifelong inability to represent myself, to stand forward and say this is who I am and this is my artwork. I'm also gonna provide links to charities close to my heart that I've donated to, and links to the software and hardware I use to create my art (tools of the trade), some that others use, along with dope (do people still say dope?) art, the one's I really like anyway, on DeviantArt.
Finally, I have a Blog I started in 2007, only a few posts though, I find it hard to post in social media so mostly rants about middle age, but I think it'll also useful. I also have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and just joined TikToc accounts, but again, there goes that phobia, so there's not much there you can checkout. I haven't posted in them for years, but I guess you can see my past posts. I can hardly post in them, but I'm going to try, so check them now and then if you're in the mood to see my progress. I'm going to try and post in at least one or the other when my mind let's me.
Lastly, if you've read all this I'm grateful; I realize this could all be just a rant on my part, me making up excuses because I'm lazy or unambitious. Maybe it sounds like I'm seeking sympathy or pity. I neither want or seek either. This just for me, a chance to help myself, to free myself from this cage. Still, if you think this was all some bullshit, maybe it just doesn't make any sense at all, tell me. Whew! Anyway, it takes a good person to read through this much bullshit. I appreciate you, and may you have a Blessed day
--Each day should be an adventure!--
NAACP - For their unending fight for civil rights
Disabled Vets For their service
St. Jude For their tireless work with children
Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) For the homeless of Detroit
The Hunger Site - For devotion to feed the needy
Greater Good - For their fund raising efforts
United Way of Southeastern Michigan - For their vision
The Animal Rescue Site - Help protect the Manatees
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